Jenesco FM-2 Ozone Generator from Ecosuds Products Ontario Canada
Products to Help You Get and Keep the Ugly Out
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Phil Shames

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Canadian Manufacturer's Representative For
Jenesco Ozone Generators
Are you looking for an environmentally friendly and highly effective method of eliminating odours from your home or building?
Jenesco Ozone Generators are a proven effective technology to remove all types of odors including smoke, tobacco, pet urine, sweat, body odors, skunk odor, off-gasing...... Almost any odour can be completely and permanently eliminated using a Jenesco Ozone Generator
Jenesco Ozone Generators are used around the world to rid odours,
mold, and mildew from
Vacation Homes
Storage Units

Fitness Centers

Long Term Care Residences
Sports Equipment
Trucks & Trailers
Mobile Homes

Pet Stores
Butcher Shops
Pet Stores
Grocery Stores
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Ecosuds Products - Products to Make Your World Healthier and Safer
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All pricing in $U.S. F.O.B. Jenesco
Amherst, N.H.
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada based
Manufacture's Representative for Jenesco - Ozone Generators Elimintate Odors and Kill Mold and Mildew
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Jenesco, Inc. Ozone Generator

The FM-2 ozone generator is designed for use in commercial applications or wherever high ozone output is needed to neutralize stubborn odors in automobiles, limousines, buses, recreational vehicles, rental cars, vans, and boats. It is also excellent for use in hotel and motel rooms, apartments, and extended-stay facilities.  The FM-2’s high output gets the job done quickly and thoroughly.  In just a few hours, ozone permanently kills odors from such sources as: cigarettes and other tobacco products, smoke damage, chemical and cleaning fumes, decaying matter, pets, urine, food, beverages, vomit, mold and mildew.  Auto detailers have reported their ozone generators have paid for themselves in the first week or two.
Coverage: Up to 3500 sq. ft.
Electrical: 120 V AC, 40 watts, 2 Amp Fused     
Ozone output: 100 to 2000 mgph  
Jenesco FM-2 Ozone Generator from Ecosuds Products Ontario Canada